Torridon Village hall - December 2007

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Photos below by kind permission of John & Jane Cowie
















Cast ~ in order of appearance

Narrator Colin Blyth
Aunt Em Dorothy Hall
Uncle Henry Peter Fenton
Dorothy Emma Cameron
Toto Louie O'Brien
Good Wiches: Glinda Kirsty Mackenzie
Good Wiches: Linda Helen Perry
Munchkins & Winged Monkeys Laura Ridehalgh, Natasha Fraser, William Bolton, Lily McGlennon, Olivia McGlennon, Eden Stewart, Angus Rose-Bristow, Findlay Rose-Bristow
Mama Munchkin Ann MacRae
Doctor Iain Strath, Robert Brown
Yellow brick road layer John Napier
Scarecrow Liz Macdonald
Trees: Woody Penny Gimes
Trees: Shady Fiona Rose
Tin-man Jamie McGlennon
Lion Alpin Stewart
Gatekeeper Peter Fenton
Wizard of Oz Tom Lambert
Proclaimers Jason Milton, Richard Frost
Wicked Witch of Wester Alligin Sylvia Reynolds
Recyclers Rachel Sutherland, Rachel Stewart, Caroline Brown, Rohaise Rose-Bristow
Singing Trees Avril Turner, Marie Macdonald, Glyn Meredith, Fiona Rose, Sandra Brown, Penny Gimes, Margaret Spalding, Margaret Swift
Prompt Margaret Brown
~ ~ ~
Production & Direction Glyn Meredith, Avril Turner, Anne MacRae, Sandra Brown, John Spalding
Music Cameron Swift, Sandra Brown
Scenery & Backstage Alan Gimes, Avril Turner, Janine Clynch, Murdo MacDonnald, Michael Abbott, Jane Cowie, Elaine Holmes
Lighting & Special Effects Kenny Nicholson, John Spalding, Ian Reynolds, Scott Fraser, Stephen of I-Lights Nairn
Wardrobe & Make-up Glyn Meredith, Shena Aanonsen, Iona Carter, Morag MacDonald, Fiona Moys. Eden Court Theatre, Hopscotch Theatre
Scripting Anne MacRae
Front of House Anne Homes, Maggie Smith, Marianne MacLeod, Michael Abbott, Kerry Smith, Cassie Forder
Catering June Oorloff, Ray MacDonald & Torridon Ladies' baking
Publicity: Posters & Programme Robert Brown, Avril Turner, Anne MacRae
Publicity: Photographs Steve Carter, John & Jane Cowie
Stage extension transport Martin Butcher

Special thanks to Judith Aitken, Arts Education Manager - the Eden Court Theatre, Inverness

Production based on the 2002 copyright production of "The Wizard of Oz" by Katheryn Schultz Miller.

