Bertie (a.k.a. Peanut)

(Labradoodle - Son of Bertie and Eva)

D.O.B. 14-3-2017

Year One

1 month (having ear licked)

2 months


Do you think Andrex would be interested?


Teaching Bertie to wait before killing Mr Giraffe.


Somebody found the sock drawer


Puppies are not supposed to chew sticks, so it's the first thing they do when outside.


Mischief managed.

Why the long face?


First experience of wet sand:


...and first 'airborne':


First visit to the pub to meet lots of locals (human and canine).


...and it's consequences


Three months old (14th June)


All feet legs and ears... Bertie in slow motion: (Youtube video) >>>

Lots to sniff at Inverbain:

16 weeks


Lethal weapon:


The look that tells you your dog has been naughty, but you don't yet know what he's done:


5 months old today ...and it's a dog's life:


The good...


The bad...


...and the ugly.


If he's not eating it, he's sniffing it.


Nearly six months


I think we bought a Labrahorse.


What does it mean; "Stay in the back"?


First holiday:


Camera in right hand, bit of cheese in left:



8 months old


Bertie likes delivery drivers. He can get through three a day:


Cats bring dead things back to the house as presents. Bertie brings garden furniture and various random fittings:


New Years Day 2018


10 months old:


He's discovered pouncing, and now it's his favourite thing:


11 months


14-3-18... One year old today